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稿源: 中国宁波网  | 2012-05-09 10:44:35


  Definition: Envoys to the Tang Dynasty


  Ancient China had always been the center of East Asian Culture. The neighboring country Japan used to commit itself to learning from Chinese culture for ages. As early as in the Sui Dynasty, the Japanese royal court already assigned envoys to China. From early 7th century till the end of 9th century, Japan successively assigned a dozen of batches of envoys to the Tang Dynasty on a large scale. The number of envoys varied from around 200 to 500. They travelled by special boats and overcame threatening situations at sea before finally arriving in China. In early times, the envoys to Tang Dynasty disembarked mainly in Dengzhou. Later, they disembarked respectively in cities like Yangzhou, Ningbo, etc. The envoys, visiting students and visiting monks strived to introduce and explants Chinese culture to Japan across the border so as to make Japanese culture deeply branded with the Chinese civilization. The envoys to the Tang Dynasty were pioneers on the “Maritime Silk Road” who made great contributions to the cultural exchanges between China and Japan.



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稿源: 中国宁波网 2012-05-09 10:44:35


  Definition: Envoys to the Tang Dynasty


  Ancient China had always been the center of East Asian Culture. The neighboring country Japan used to commit itself to learning from Chinese culture for ages. As early as in the Sui Dynasty, the Japanese royal court already assigned envoys to China. From early 7th century till the end of 9th century, Japan successively assigned a dozen of batches of envoys to the Tang Dynasty on a large scale. The number of envoys varied from around 200 to 500. They travelled by special boats and overcame threatening situations at sea before finally arriving in China. In early times, the envoys to Tang Dynasty disembarked mainly in Dengzhou. Later, they disembarked respectively in cities like Yangzhou, Ningbo, etc. The envoys, visiting students and visiting monks strived to introduce and explants Chinese culture to Japan across the border so as to make Japanese culture deeply branded with the Chinese civilization. The envoys to the Tang Dynasty were pioneers on the “Maritime Silk Road” who made great contributions to the cultural exchanges between China and Japan.



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编辑: 刘夏妍
